Year 3

The highest quality care and education for all our children

At Oswald Road Primary School we aim to provide the highest quality care and education for all our children thereby giving them a strong foundation for their future learning. We create a safe and happy environment with motivating and enjoyable learning experiences that enable children to become confident and independent. We value the individual child and work alongside parents, carers and others to meet their needs and help every child to reach their full potential.

Year 3 Staff

  • Teacher

    Natalie Gomez

  • Teacher

    Claire Cawley

  • Teacher

    Fiona Walker

  • Teaching Assistant

    Louise Trundle

    Teaching Assistant
  • SEND Teaching Assistant

    Tracy Buckley

    SEND Teaching Assistant
  • SEND Teaching Assistant

    Ozma Ahmed

    SEND Teaching Assistant
  • SEND Teaching Assistant

    Siama Rashid (Ninny)

    SEND Teaching Assistant
  • Our curriculum
  • Spellings
  • Reading Expectations
  • Homework
  • PE Days & Kit
  • Lunchboxes & Coats
  • Arrival & Collection of Children
  • PPA Cover

Our curriculum

Curriculum Overview Year 3 2023-24

If you have any questions about our curriculum please contact our Headteacher, Deborah Howard, to pass on to the Curriculum Lead.

You can view the PowerPoint from the ‘Welcome to Yeargroup’ meeting, held September 2023, by clicking here.

Click here to view the Year 3 spellings

Reading Expectations

Click here to view our school reading curriculum.


Children are expected to read daily at home and reading records need to be signed. Reading journals should be completed for each reading for pleasure book. Spellings are set every week on EdShed. We also encourage children to practice their times tables on TT Rockstars regularly.


Homework Policy

PE Days

  • Indoor PE- 3A (Miss Gomez) on Wednesday, 3B & 3C (Mrs Walker and Miss Cawley) on Thursday
  • Outdoor PE- Friday

PE Kit

Outdoor PE – shorts and jumper/sweater, t-shirt and trainer (jogging pants can be worn in very cold weather). Indoor PE – close fitting shorts or leggings and t-shirts. Please ensure that your child’s name is on each item and they wear their PE clothes in to school that day as they will not get changed for PE.


Please make sure your child’s name is on their lunchbox. All lunch boxes are kept on the children’s pegs. Children should bring a water bottle to school every day.


Coats should be put on pegs inside/outside the classroom. Please name your child’s coat.

Arrival & Collection of Children

Year 3 children are to line up on the tarmac area between the pitches and the carpark and the teacher will walk them into class at 8:35am. Children arriving after their line but before 8:40am will need to walk to class by themselves.

Drop-Off: 8.30am (lines go in at 8:35am)

Pick-Up: 3:15pm



PPA Cover

Our PPA (Planning, Preparation and Assessment) time will be on Friday morning and covered by Ben Caldwell, Kieran Bentley and Jocelin Bennett.



What's new

Facebook Feed


October 22, 2024
October 23, 2024
See full calendar


Curriculum Spotlight – Maths

For Spring 1 we have developed a Maths article to demonstrate what we’ve been up to. Please click below to view all the interesting work we’ve completed this term. Read full article


Oswald Road Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children. We require all staff, volunteers and visitors to share the commitment. For more information and resources, view our safeguarding page by clicking here.

Click here to read our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

To contact our Safeguarding Team, please email or

Our Safeguarding Page also features lots of useful resources on Online Safety, including information about the ‘Report Harmful Content’ button shown below.

SWGfL Report Harmful Content