Miss Jones’ Thai Teaching Adventure

During the summer holidays I decided it was about time to fulfil one of my bucket list dreams and travel to Thailand to do some teaching. What a great decision I made! Teaching in Thailand was definitely an experience to remember and made me realise how fortunate we are.

I felt like a celebrity in school with everyone saying hello! The children were so respectful and willing to learn it was an absolute joy to teach them! Over there the children only stay in education until they are 12, unless they can afford to continue, which is such a shame because the children are so enthusiastic about learning.

Whilst I was there they had an Asian day whereby the children dressed up and learnt about different countries in Asia. It was beautiful! I also had the experience of working with elephants for the day- washing, feeding and walking with them. This was an experience I’ll never forget! For more details of my adventure feel free to take a look at my blog.

Miss Jones (Year 1 Teacher)

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October 22, 2024
October 23, 2024
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Curriculum Spotlight – Maths

For Spring 1 we have developed a Maths article to demonstrate what we’ve been up to. Please click below to view all the interesting work we’ve completed this term. Read full article


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