Community Hero Award

This half term’s Community Hero Award goes to Chorlton Good Neighbours. Helen Hibbard, the coordinator for the community-based care group, was presented with the award by some of the members of our school choir, who visit Chorlton Good Neighbours every year to perform Christmas songs for them. Here’s why we think they’re so deserving of this award…

“Chorlton Good Neighbours is an organisation that was established by local churches many years ago and they support the elderly in the community by offering coffee mornings, exercise classes and home visits. Helen Hibberd, the coordinator, is a very dedicated, enthusiastic and caring person and has a good relationship with all of the people she supports and the volunteers she works with. She offers a very valuable resource to the community.” Helen Wright, Office Manager

“I love performing in the choir for Chorlton Good Neighbours because they’re all so kind and they seem to really enjoy it. One lady reminded me of my grandma because she was dancing and singing along. There’s a man there that’s really good at art and I always go and say hello and he shows me his book of artwork.” Darci 6NG

“Chorlton Good Neighbours deserve the Community Hero Award because they invite people along who might be lonely and they give them somewhere to socialise and meet other people.” Amelia 6NG

“Oswald Road has a good choir because we are so enthusiastic. We sing uplifting songs, which makes the people at Chorlton Good Neighbours feel relaxed. I also like chatting to them after we perform because they always have interesting stories.” Amy 6NG

“They bring lots of elderly people together for tea and biscuits and put on entertainment.” Kitty 4MQ

“I think it’s very important for us to perform there because it makes the people there feel special.” Sophia 4MQ

“It’s nice that they give people the time and place to hang out with people the same age as them.” Luna 4MQ

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Curriculum Spotlight – Maths

For Spring 1 we have developed a Maths article to demonstrate what we’ve been up to. Please click below to view all the interesting work we’ve completed this term. Read full article


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